A Civics Lesson From the REAL United States of America

I expect that most people who will read my blog have basic civics education regarding the United States government and legal processes and positions. However, time and time again, I come across people that do not understand that government doesn’t run exactly as is written in your average history book. It’s kind of like how the legal process doesn’t necessarily work as it is supposed to. 

For instance, in the legal process, it may come to a situation where a lawyer is not supposed to say something, in a certain way, perhaps. The lawyer might decide to say it anyway. Then the comment gets the obligatory, “Objection!” The judge sustains the objection, and may even tell the jury to disregard the statement. Does it matter, though? The jury already heard the statement. Can they just forget the statement? How can any judge enforce that a jury 100% will not take what was just said into account when deciding their verdict? The judge cannot. 

When you read the law books about process and what is expected and what isn’t okay to do, this is listed as one of the “rules”. It’s not always “accidental” that a lawyer will say something they weren’t supposed to, or in a way they weren’t supposed to, that ends with their statement sustained, or even stricken from the record. So, then, how much of a “rule” is it really?  

That’s government. It doesn’t matter what your history books taught you about what is allowed and not allowed, or who is supposed to do what, in what way. It matters with what they can get away, particularly with little or no punishment. Think about it – is a censure from your colleagues such a bad punishment? What about a mark on your record? A talking to from your colleagues? Give me a break. There are little, if any, consequences for any behavior committed on behalf of a government official. 

Therefore, the following is the real civics lesson from the real USA. I’ll give some more follow-up after the list: 

  1. There is no “left” and “right” when it comes to a politician. They pretend there is, but there is not. I’d be willing to bet that not a single politician actually believes in the basic concepts of either party. Frugality, social equality, pro-life, pro-choice…these are all just buzz words meant to keep the rest of us arguing things they don’t really care about. 
  2. They do NOT care about you or anyone else. Politicians do not know the meaning of “altruism”. Anything “altruistic” they do, serves a big purpose for themselves. You must be on the lookout for what that is. 
  3. Legalese and vagueness in bills is put there purposefully, not only to make a bill confusing, but so they can pass bills that mean essentially nothing, but have a lot of pork that means SOMETHING. This is also done so that each side can continue to fight over the meaning of the legislature for generations to come. 
  4. Both sides have put in the endless loopholes of the IRS and taxation policies, mainly for themselves and their lobbyists. 
  5. Remember how much politicians earn for their jobs as civil servants? It’s a drop of water in an ocean from what they are able to direct into their wallets from policy, insider trading, lobbying, and other “conveniently legal” methods of earning on the side. They all seem to start these careers with not nearly as much as they end them with, haven’t you noticed? Not to mention those off shore accounts they’ll insist they don’t have and what not. 
  6. Lobbying is bribery in a similar way to porn is prostitution. There is no real reason to say it’s not bribery, but they do to keep those bucks rolling in. 
  7. The Constitution was written to restrain THE GOVERNMENT from activity, not to grant rights to citizens. The GOVERNMENT has been chiseling away at those restraints for 200+ years now. Yes, you should worry about that. 
  8. Ever notice how laws have to be made as technology is made? It’s natural, sure, but 100% you need to expect that the government is going to be the first to wrongfully use that technology that they will then turn around and make a law against it. Look at how they’ve expanded how they look at DNA ancestry. They gain access to the DNA of FAMILY members that have done NOTHING wrong, in order to find someone that HAS. And because these people gave their DNA willingly to these platforms, there is nothing they can do about it. It’s a loophole, and you can always trust government to utilize every loophole they can to infringe on the rights of the people. 
  9. Much of the time, the government doesn’t care what a rule says. Many times they consider the “consequences” of violating those rules to be perfectly acceptable. You have to remember that evil people rarely know they are evil. They think they “know better” than us about what is good for us. But similar to a child that has a parent with narcissistic personality disorder, that rarely is the actual case. They will always put themselves first, no matter what is right – legally or morally. 
  10. “They say you think morals are paintings on walls and scruples are money in Russia.” -from the movie Sabrina This comment is true about politicians – they don’t know or care about morals. 
  11. No matter what they try to tell you, the CIA and the FBI are DEEPLY ingrained in politics, in ways many people can’t even fathom. We’re talking false flags, assassination, murders (“suicides”), blackmail, extortion…all of it. 
  12. A government apology is worth nothing

There is a reason to discuss all of this. Too many times I see the arguing going back and forth about how “at least Biden didn’t…” or “at least Trump is…” and it doesn’t matter. Not to mention the insane arguments about who brought down inflation, who improved the economy, what policies damaged the world, who only does things because they’re a -insert random fascist or communist country here – operative…

The arguments that Kennedy was a democrat but he matches more closely with Republican policies now, or that Obama’s policies are what made the economy better during Trump’s reign instead of Trump’s own policies. All of this is worthless jabber for us to argue with one another instead of focusing on the real issues – 

Bipartisan passed bills being the most expensive bills might be bipartisan because GOP compromised to allow further spending, because the Dems compromised to lower the budget, because they both threw in an insane amount of self lifting pork, because the Dems introduce more commonsensical bills, because the GOP is more compromising than Dems, ever, etc. In the end, it sure sounds like both sides are winning on that exact same point. 

There’s a reason that a bill about something important or good, like energy or something, is always attached to something we wouldn’t agree with, like giving up our right to counsel if we use a phone from the prison or something. Do you know how the government then frames it? 

the government officials then argue back and forth like children. The people that introduce the bill say, “Look! The opposing party is against energy!” or something outrageous like that. And the opposing party says, “Um…no.” But it’s all a pony show. Look at how many people will vote with it regardless of any massive public outcry! It’s just acting. It’s all pretending. And if you call them on it, they go, “Well I had to vote for energy. I was backed into a corner!” Then they all go back into their offices and drink the champagne to their method of manipulating one another and yet still enhancing their own riches. 

It’s a little elitist club. Notice how it’s all networked? So many of them are family and friends or lobbyists and corporate CEOs, and almost ALL of them are lawyers. 


To be continued…


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